It turns out betting on volatility was a good idea. The Dow plunged more than 1,100 points just yesterday, and is turning lower again today. Without something to rescue the market, we could see the Dow test its next line of support just under 31,000. Not helping,...
The Daily Brief
Crisis May Lead to Opportunity with these Stocks
Look at Target (TGT), for example. The retailer is getting beat up this morning, falling about $50 in pre-market. All after earnings missed the mark, with Q1 profits falling short, even as sales came in above expectations. Unfortunately, the company is taking a hit...
$5 Gasoline, Covid Spikes and Starbucks
Get ready to pay even more at the pump. Oil prices are up another $1.05 to $115.30, and show no signs of cooling – especially as we near summer driving season. In fact, don’t be shocked if oil hits $5 a gallon all over the U.S. It’s already there for states like...